VCF Midwest 19 Exhibitor Info Page and FAQ

Thinking of getting a table at VCF Midwest 19? Whether you're a first-time exhibitor or you've been with us since the SWRAP days, please review this page! This year's venue comes with many new benefits, but also a few new rules & regulations. These guidelines will help ensure that everyone has a safe and succesful VCFMW.

Table maps and charts (link)

Tabling Info

Schedule (This will become more precise closer to the show date)
  • Friday morning: Infrastructure setup (show and venue staff, contractors)
  • Friday afternoon: Exhibitors/vendor load-in
  • Friday evening: After-hours load-in
  • Saturday early: Pre-show exhibitor setup
  • Saturday 9am: Show open
  • Saturday 9pm: Show closes to public
  • Sunday early: Pre-show exhibitor set-up
  • Sunday 9am: Show open
  • Sunday 2pm-3pm: Teardown begins

  • Load-in and setup will be permitted Friday afternoon and evening. It is strongly encouraged to arrive during these times (more precise times will be posted closer to the show). Saturday load-in will be very difficult with the expected crowds.
  • Load in through the large dock door will be limited to certain hours. Outside of these times, you may use the main entrance or contact VCFMW show staff for access through the rear doors. It is preferred any loading/unloading during regular setup time is done from the rear doors. The front hallway has new carpet and the venue forbids large/heavy carts to tread across it.
  • The rear doors will be locked outside of dedicated load in times. Please respect the venue's wishes and do not prop doors without prior permission.
  • There will be large and small carts available. These carts are property of VCF Midwest. Please return them to the loading area after use.
  • Access to the hall will not be permitted until all of the tables and power are set up Friday morning.
  • The loading/unloading area is in the dock area at the rear of the hall. It is clearly marked “Exploration Hall".
  • The ramp may be used to drive up to the entry door, please keep to one side of the ramp so that it may also be used by others to get to the hall.
  • Please unload and move your vehicle from the ramp or dock area as soon as possible to allow others access.
  • There is a row of parking spots in the dock area that is a short distance from the rear entrance. You can also park there temporarily to load/unload. Please move your car to a regular parking spot when done to allow others to use those spaces.
  • The rear loading dock and ramp MAY NOT BE USED after 10pm! This is a Village of Schaumburg regulation. If you're arriving late or still loading late, you will have to use the main entrance near the Exploration Hall doors.
  • The Exploration hall will be closed at or before Midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.
  • There is a loading/unloading zone at the side of the building. This can be used for moving small carts and hand carry items through the main doors. Please obey any fire lane restriction (the painted yellow curbs) as you will be ticketed!
  • Chairs will be provided in a central location inside Exploration Hall. We ask you grab the ones you need during setup. Let VCFMW staff know if you need assistance.

  • The show will end at 3pm Sunday. Please begin packing up your table(s) at or before this time.
  • Similar to load in, load out can be done using the rear entrance following the same guidelines.
  • VCFMW is responsible for returning the venue to original state. To assist with this, please clean up area completely before leaving.
  • If you are able, please assist by returning chairs, tables and table cloths to the collection areas. More information will be provided at tear down via PA.
  • Something always gets left behind! Double check to make sure you have all your belongings, plugs, cables, etc.

    What to bring
  • Tarp or cloth to cover your table(s) when you are not present, if desired.
  • Power strips and cords sufficient to connect your hardware to our power distribution points. This means a strip with enough outlets for all of your hardware and a cord (or extension) of minimum of 12'.
  • A black polyester tablecloth will be provided for each table. You may bring your own if you would like another color/decorated/etc

    Setting Up Your Exhibit
  • Nothing may be taped, tacked or affixed to any walls, partitions or any parts of the building. All signage or display must be table mounted or free standing.
  • Do not run any wires/cables across the main aisles.
  • Power will be distributed near each area to a shared large power strip. Please bring whatever you may need to tap power for your exhibit.
  • Clearly identify and label all items as exhibit, interactive display or for-sale to avoid any confusion or mistakes.
  • Keep audio and sounds at a reasonable level - only loud enough to hear in the immediate area of your table.

  • VCF Midwest has, thankfully, been largely theft-free for the duration of its existence. But the larger we get, the less we know our visitors and the sticky fingers are ever-present.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for securing their own table contents and belongings. We suggest turning off any equipment and covering your table with a tarp or cloth when you leave the Exploration Hall, secure/hide any valuable items or take them with you. Have a partner or someone you trust watch your area if you walk away.

    Venue Rules (or: Making Sure We Get Invited Back)
  • DO NOT open any emergency doors! They are alarmed!
  • Do not block aisleways, exits, or access/visibility to fire protection equipment, including pull stations, sensors, strobes, horn/speakers, alarms or fire extinguishers.
  • No smoking or vaping inside the building. There are smoking areas just outside the main entrances.
  • No cooking, vending or serving of any food or beverage.
  • No hazardous materials, flammable or combustible liquids, or compressed gasses.
  • No open flames, smoke/fog machines, drones or laser displays.
  • No weapons allowed on premises.


    Q: Ask us something!
    A: We'll tell you something!

    Maps and Legends

    Click to enlarge

    Exploration Hall Dock

    Exploration Hall Dock (Wide)

    Exploration Hall Side Lane (Avoid the yellow!)

    Convention Center Satellite Map

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